Who we are
A campaign group of residents opposing the felling of trees by Catalyst Housing and working to plant an urban forest in North Kensington. Our Vision Preserve what we have Restore what we’ve lost Increase canopy cover Involve the local community |
Vote on Your Favorite TreeThe council has invited us to contribute ideas to what trees should be planted in the new Tree Pits around the Ward. Pick the ones you'd like to see there.
Object to Phase 3Peabody has submitted their final Phase 3 Plans and while a number of things have improved (Portobello and Wornington no longer connect to Ladbroke Grove) and number of other things haven't. Object now to help create a greener, kinder Golborne Ward.
SuccessThis community is amazing. Together we've been able to:
We've engaged with councilors and planning officers, and hope to continue the conversations as we move towards the crux of the Phase 3 Planning process. Read more about our 2023 actions here. Keep up the amazing work everybody! Update Aug 31, 2023: We're still fightingThere's been a bit of a pause due to general confusion about what happened to the Phase 3 Planning application. That's still alive and we are working on understanding why it wasn't decided, and to file relevant objections.
Here's a list of our actions:
As always, our aims are to:
We welcome support from the neighbourhood! Please join us!! Update on 03/02/23 to Wornington Green redevelopment
Please lodge objections The community are still waiting for the Council's planning meeting that will respond to the 100 objections raised against Catalyst Housing's Phase 3 planning application for Wornington Green Estate. In the meantime, Catalyst Housing have lodged two applications for variations to their existing planning permission for Phase 2b, including Variation of Condition 8 (tree protection to retain two additional trees). Phase 2B is currently underway in the middle of the estate with all the noise and dust from the piling work as foundations and underground spaces are being prepared for the new build. Once again the planning and consultation process is a shambles. It's difficult to know exactly what is being revised in the application and how residents are informed about this and can meaningfully have a say. Read our detailed objections here. We urge local residents to object to these variations to Phase 2B and the Phase 3 planning process that will destroy most of the remaining 40 plus mature trees and create new through roads connecting both Portobello and Wornington Road to Ladbroke Grove. Objecting is anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes. Here are the links: This planning application closes on 3rd Feb: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/planning/searches/details.aspx?address=&streetname=&postcode=&ward=&consarea=&caseyear=&casenumber=&proposal=&decisionyear=&decisionmonth=&appealref=&batch=20&id=CON/22/07715&type=application&tab=tabs-planning-1 And this one closes on 10th Feb: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/planning/searches/details.aspx?address=&streetname=&postcode=&ward=&consarea=&caseyear=&casenumber=&proposal=&decisionyear=&decisionmonth=&appealref=&batch=20&id=PP/22/07718&type=application&tab=tabs-planning-1 Go to the section “Comment on this application” at the bottom of the page. Change “Reason for objecting” to “Objecting.” Write a couple of sentences explaining why you object to the plans. Include your contact details as requested. Please note that these details will be redacted when your objection is used, and you will remain anonymous. Each person in a household can object but the wording needs to vary. November 2022 Phase 3 Planning Application Update As of Feb 2022, 110 objections are lodged against Catalyst Housing's Planning Application for Phase 3 regeneration of Wornington Green / Portobello Square. The council will still accept objections until a date is confirmed for the Planning Committee Meeting that will decide on the application and this is expected to be at the end of June. Here is the link to a selection of residents objections. |
- The Wornington Green Estate and surrounding area once had over 250 mature trees.
- Development on the Wornington Green Estate by Catalyst Housing has been ongoing for 11 years, with no end in sight.
- 276 mature trees felled, 8 more condemned to death in Athlone Gardens. Others to follow in Phase 3.
- The capital asset value of trees felled so far exceeds £22 million. Only £13k planted in saplings. This is a loss to the whole community.
- In December 2020, RBKCs Oversight and Scrutiny Committee recognised that Catalyst has failed to engage meaningfully with local residents and strongly recommended that they do so. They have not.
- 4,000 residents signed two petitions to the council: one to halt felling, the other to plant more trees.
- Wornington Trees has repeatedly requested meetings with and asked questions of Catalyst on behalf of local residents, such as to confirm how many trees have been felled. They have ignored all such requests.
- The Golborne Forum issued a letter of support for the campaign by the Wornington Trees and the need to hold Catalyst Housing more accountable to the removal of trees throughout its rebuilding programme on Wornington Green and Portobello Square.
- In December 2021, local residents protested in Athlone Gardens park, trying to stop the felling of at least two of these trees. Catalyst still refuse to talk. Tree protectors from Extinction Rebellion had taken up residence in the trees to support us.